(R)apid (O)nline (S)earch (E)ngine for (S)cans

digitalRoses is a open-access online platform based on a binary-search algorithm that allows to quickly search for word entries in scanned physical dictionaries, lexicons, and other alphabetized books. The system bypasses full OCR digitization and complex TEI annotation of texts by relying on indexing the first entry-word in each page of the scanned dictionary. As a result, digitalRoses ingests dictionaries for online search and browsing at a fraction of the time and resources required of full digitization. digitalRoses is used by scholars and other communities around the globe.

digitalRoses features:

• Streamlined search inside dictionaries by allowing partial, wildcard, and fuzzy searches
• Online display while maintaining the richness of the printed layout
• Serendipitous browsing (i.e., exploration of entries adjacent to the one searched)
• Single search in multiple dictionaries (and even in multiple languages!)
• Supports of any alphabetic/character-based language
• To date, digitalRoses successfully ingested print dictionaries in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Kannada, Hindi, Hebrew, and English

Check out our dictionaries page.